About me

I am a third-year PhD student advised by Prof. Alan (Zaoxing) Liu at University of Maryland, College Park. I received my B.E. for Computer Science from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2021. My research interests are broadly in systems and networking. In particular, I attempt to bridge the gap between approxiamte algorithms (e.g., sampling, sketches) and practical computing systems (e.g., graph systems, key-value store migration systems), aiming to improve query performance and system scalability. Currently, I’m working on performance monitoring systems.

😊 Feel free to drop me an email (zeyingz@umd.edu) if you are interested in my research.


[FAST’24] In-Memory Key-Value Store Live Migration with NetMigrate
Zeying Zhu, Yibo Zhao, Zaoxing Liu
[Artifacts Available] [Artifacts Functional] [Artifacts Reusable]
[Paper] [Code] [Slides] [Talk]

[NSDI’23] Arya: Arbitrary Graph Pattern Mining with Decomposition-based Sampling
Zeying Zhu* , Kan Wu* , Zaoxing Liu
[Paper] [Code] [Slides] [Talk]

*Equal Contribution


Research Intern
Azure for Operators, Microsoft, WA
May 2022 - Aug. 2022

Research Intern
Network Research Group, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing
Sep. 2020 - May 2021


Teaching Assistant, EC527 High Performance Programming with Multicore and GPUs
Boston University, Spring 2023

Teaching Assistant, EC528 Cloud Computing
Boston University, Fall 2022


INFOCOM’2023 reviewer
Artifact Evaluation Committee: CCS’24, OSDI’24, ATC’24, CoNEXT’24, SIGCOMM’24