About me

I am a fourth-year PhD student advised by Prof. Alan (Zaoxing) Liu at University of Maryland, College Park. I received my B.E. for Computer Science from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2021. My research interests are broadly in systems and networking. In particular, I attempt to bridge the gap between approximate algorithms (e.g., sampling, sketches) and practical computing systems (e.g., graph systems, key-value store migration systems), aiming to improve query performance and system scalability. Currently, I’m working on scalable performance monitoring systems.


[FAST’24, P4 Workshop 2024] In-Memory Key-Value Store Live Migration with NetMigrate
Zeying Zhu, Yibo Zhao, Zaoxing Liu
[Artifacts Available] [Artifacts Functional] [Artifacts Reusable]
[Paper] [Code] [Slides] [FAST’24 Talk] [P4 Workshop Talk]

[NSDI’23] Arya: Arbitrary Graph Pattern Mining with Decomposition-based Sampling
Zeying Zhu* , Kan Wu* , Zaoxing Liu
[Paper] [Code] [Slides] [Talk]

*Equal Contribution


Research Intern
Azure for Operators, Microsoft, WA
May 2022 - Aug. 2022

Research Intern
Network Research Group, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing
Sep. 2020 - May 2021


Teaching Assistant, EC527 High Performance Programming with Multicore and GPUs
Boston University, Spring 2023

Teaching Assistant, EC528 Cloud Computing
Boston University, Fall 2022


Transaction on Database Systems reviewer
INFOCOM’2023 reviewer
Artifact Evaluation Committee: CCS’24, OSDI’24, ATC’24, CoNEXT’24, SIGCOMM’24


Hariri Institute’s Graduate Student Fellowship, Boston University
Distinguished Computer Engineering Fellowship, Boston University
Stars of Tomorrow Internship Award, Microsoft Research Asia
National Scholarship, Ministry of Education, China
2018, 2019, 2020